
04 Septiembre de 2014 - 23 Noviembre de 2014

Espacio de exhibición: Galería

Curaduría: Yameli Mera

Moris (Mexico City, 1978) nurtures his work from the exploration, observation and analysis of visual urban culture, configuring a cartography of the social context that surrounds illegality and violence in Mexico City. This mapping-out frames a socio-political context with high indexes of marginality where a diversity of conflictive relations take place.

The artist’s work centers on the traffics that exitst between the imbalances generated by power and violence. Some of the elements in his works are extracted from specific contexts—as such, they constitute a record of illegal dynamics and violence—while activating an experience by which the spectator is confronted with objects extracted from seemingly invisible environments that have been dislocated by community violence.

This exhibition aims to reveal traces and codes of subjects inserted in the variables caused by macroeconomic dynamics such as unemployment and poverty, and the resulting marginal context where people are obliged to generate forms of auto-employment—stemmed from illegality—conforming a fundamental element in the logic of violence that permeates life in this city.

Some of these social entities can be allocated in relation to the concept of “insignificant subjects”, that is to say, individuals deprived of any law that could guarantee their safety and sustenance, forced to exist as vulnerable beings completely detached from society. The precariousness that undermines their existence inevitably evolves into the violence that Moris represents.

Regarded from this point of view, Moris’ work is a material activation of the imaginary of violence which involves strategies that rely on documents of  illicit activities, found objects, and installations that displace the marginality lived in the streets to the exhibition space, articulating among all of them the overflows of a systemic order.

Yameli Mera
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