Mecánica de suelos

Begoña Morales

05 Marzo de 2010 - 09 Mayo de 2010

Espacio de exhibición: Sala de mural (Sala de lectura)

Curaduría: Taiyana Pimentel

Mexican artist Begoña Morales has worked with private space as a container and portrait of the social subject. In this respect, housing is perceived by the artist as a physical representation of a place understood as one’s own, as a perfect sculpture representing the individual’s needs and desires while he engages in a constant dialog with his community and local resources.

At the same time, Morales sees architecture as a complex product resulting from a set of processes –design, production, distribution and use- that are always linked to power, a monumentalized discourse that interacts with individuals’ expectations and behaviors. It is in this interaction that the limits between desire and product are lost; architecture reveals the individual and exceeds him.

Through this work, the artist seeks to release matter from the form, symbolism and self-containment to which it is subjected and by altering the material, through the deconstruction and modification of floorboards, suggests the reanimation of social space. Soil Mechanics dissects and reveals the interior of the space (of the SAPS) in search of some kind of coherence between what we are and what we produce.